153 East Partners Pty Ltd
APP Privacy Policy & Statement
January 2022

The Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act set out how private sector organisations should
collect, use, keep and disclose personal information. 153 East is bound by these Principles. We
collect personal information about you from the details supplied by you or by your adviser. We may
also collect additional personal information about you by other means from time to time, such as
when checking ASIC registers. We use the personal information we collect about you for a number
of purposes, principally to be able to get in touch with you. The information is used for related
purposes such as:

  • Complying with various laws, including taxation laws, the Corporations Act 2001, and the
    AML_CTF Act 2006; keeping you informed about our products and services.
  • We only collect sufficient information to be able to fulfil our legal obligations.
  • We store hard copies of any personal information in locked files, and any soft copy on the
    local drives of the AML_CTF Compliance Manager.

In addition to storing your personal information on our files, we may disclose personal information
to various organisations or people in certain circumstances. These include:

  • Australian Taxation Office and other government bodies, as required by law o your adviser
    or broker, with your consent
  • Any third party service provider we may engage to provide administration, technology,
    auditing or printing services
  • Your representatives, such as your legal advisers or an attorney.

Your personal information will not be sold to a third party, here or overseas, or made public without
your permission.

We can let you know about the sort of information we hold, for what purposes and other related
general matters. You have a right of access to the personal information we hold about you, subject
to the exceptions allowed by the law. If your information is inaccurate or needs updating, we will
correct it. Please contact us about your client information if you have any concerns.